I'm back to the blogging world with a bang! I'm very excited about the Rugby World Cup which is starting on 18th September and running until the final match on Halloween. It also coincides nicely with the start of the school year. So what better way to get into the spirit of things than with a few lessons tied into the theme of the Rugby World Cup?

I have created this resource pack with lots of things to decorate your classroom (in particular, the RWC bunting would be a great first day back to school activity and would brighten up your classroom and start to fill up your walls from day 1!) and some different resources and ideas for various subject levels. I've also got a page in there with links to other good resources I have found.
The maths activities included in the pack are quite challenging so I would say that this pack is most suited to upper primary/elementary school.
The pack includes:
- A heading and posters displaying the 4 pools
- Flashcards with each of the participating countries' names and flags
- Bunting with black and white versions of the participating countries' flags for the children to decorate - a very easy display to create and it would make your classroom/corridors very festive!
- An 8-page research project template - This could be used in class or as a homework task. The idea is that the children choose (independently or randomly select from a hat!) one of the participating countries to study in depth.
- Two maths loop games (one is based on the 5 times tables, the other is quite challenging!)
- A rugby-based maths target game (this one's a good challenge!)
- A table quiz about the RWC (with answers!) and an answer sheet for the children
- Language, drama, PE, music, art and history lesson ideas.
- Useful links to other resources that might be helpful
The pack is just $3 (that's less than €3!). If you wish to purchase it, pop over to my TPT store by clicking here.
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