I have been amazed at the power of the internet and many people I know working in other IB schools in different countries had seen my learner profile posters up on the walls. I'm delighted that they have spread. However, I have seen lots of pins on Pinterest where people have taken screenshorts and edited them and not given any credit to me as the creator.
The creation of my TPT store was spurred on by link shared on Facebook by Valerie King AKA Múinteoir Valerie. She has been an active Irish teaching blogger for just over a year. Have a look at her blog. If you are job-hunting, some of the most recent posts should be of interest to you.
Anyway, back to the store. I've added my first item to the store and it's free for all. It's a secret walker poster. I use this in school as a classroom management technique to ensure nice behaviour in line when walking to and from the play area and the lunchroom. All of the children's names are in a cup. I choose one at the beginning of break. I don't tell the children who the secret walker is until they come back after their break. If the secret walker behaved responsibly, I reward them with a star sticker (that is placed on a chart under this poster). If not, I don't reveal the secret walker's identity but explain why the mystery person did not receive the reward.
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