Let's begin with this welcome board. If you've seen The Lego Movie, you'll understand the "Everything is awesome" title. The children are going to decorate their own Lego people on day 1 and they'll be stuck up on this board. I've also got other Lego-themed bits and bobs in the room. The superheroes you see below will hold up our class' essential agreements when we have decided upon them. I got the "Today I feel" poster from Dana Moore. I picked up the Lego brick erasers from Dealz.
I've also put Lego-themed labels on my storage drawers, shelves and on the children's number lines/ place names. This welcome poster follows the Lego superhero theme too.
I kept the same calendar/birthday area as last year but changed the backing paper and border to freshen it up. The adorable owl-themed classroom birthdays display is from Halle Hird, the owl-themed calendar set is from from Apple Girl Amber and the header was from Sparklebox. All other elements were made by me.
Here's the view from the back of my classroom. Of course, I couldn't help embellishing my own noticeboard with flowers!
PYP teachers, you'll notice the key concepts hanging there. I got these ones for free from Ms. Murdoch. I like to have them close to the board so that when I write an objective, I can also place the relative key concept close by (click here for my post about making the key concepts "alive!").
Here are two of the best bits in my desk area. The paper-storage house and polka dot ribbon are both from Tiger. Sick of misplacing my three remote controls, I finally did something about it and stuck on some velcro squares. Now they can stick firmly to the edge of my whiteboard and not take up desk space or go hiding!

Below are some pictures of our reading and reflection corner. I got the strawberry blanket and dotty cushion from Tiger to make it a bit more cosy. In the reflection area, there are 6 types of reflection sheets (including Learner Profile and PYP attitudes goal-setting sheets). You can find those here.
Here's a view of the back of my room (apologies for the poor lighting!).
And here's the main unit of inquiry display board. I've pinned the transdisciplinary theme as the superhero badge on the cape. I'll change that for each unit of inquiry. I really love this watermelon bunting from Tiger!
Here's the section of my word wall that I reserve for unit-specific vocabulary.
Here's one side of my classroom. The board with the very shiny (and very badly stapled!!!) backing is going to be an angry verbs display. Stay tune for that when the children have made their parts. On the right, you can see our editing board. The giant pencil was free from The Teacher Wife and the "capital letters detective" display was made by me (and is available in my TPT store).
On the other side of the room, you'll find my classroom management behaviour clip chart. I got this one from Under The Alphabet Tree and added my own "Are we being principled?" sign.
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