Tuesday 21 August 2012

Teacher Week: Technology Tip Tuesday

I'm posting this as part of Teacher Week on Blog Hoppin'. Last year, a lot of resources that I made and downloaded for class were in PowerPoint format. I found that I often ended up stationary at my desk so that I could change between slides. I'm not the sort of person who likes to stay in the same spot for too long, especially while teaching and trying to keep an eye on the giddy children at the back of the room! So this is my simple technology tip for PowerPoint users, get a clicker/pointer like this!

This little baby didn't set me back too much money-wise (hint: have a look around for cheaper prices. I got mine on Amazon at a good price.) but it made such a difference to me in the classroom. It's great to be able to flick back and forth between slides and use the laser pointer to highlight certain parts.

 I found lots of uses for it after a few weeks --> highlighting pronunciation of certain letters/words in Irish poems, flicking between paintings when making comparisons in art, getting the children to use the laser to point out certain aspects of a picture/the answer to a question (this was hugely popular with my 10-12 year olds!) and of course, good ol' flicking back and forth between slides in a PowerPoint presentation. The best part was that I was able to do all of these things from any corner of the classroom, allowing me to prowl roam around the place!

For more technology tips, head over to Blog Hoppin' where you'll find a tonne of links at the bottom of the post.


  1. Great tip Emer! Thanks

  2. Got that exact one when on Tp last year. They're great! Essential part of my sub kit.
