Here are my nominations for this year:
- Best individual blog: The Inside Lane This is a fantastic blog promoting ICT and education by Nigel Lane. It's updated regularly with great resources and tips (even for those, like myself, who can be technologically-challenged at times!)
- Best individual tweeter @simonmlewis - much inspiration and motivation has come from Simon Lewis. What an innovative man! I have gotten plenty of inspiration from his various projects (all worth checking out, be it humorous blog posts,, informative tweets etc.)
- Best group blog: Irish Teacher Blogs It does what it says on the tin. It's great to have a constant stream of Irish educational blogs in the one place. Kudos to Nigel Lane on this one too.
- Best ed tech / resource sharing blog: Step Into Second Grade with Miss Lemons Words can't describe how much time and effort this author has put into her blogging. She shares fantastic ideas and is a constant source of inspiration.
- Best free web tool: Pinterest Although I haven't yet used it to its full potential, I have no doubt that I am soon to become a pinterest addict. It's a brilliant way to share resources/ideas in a visual way, through the use of online pinboards.
Wow! Thank you so much for the nomination. Very honoured.