Boy have I been busy this week! I've been working on creating IB MYP command terms posters. I found some beautiful clipart that literally got me giddy (I'm easily pleased!). I've created a set of posters for each MYP curricular area. Each pack is $1.50. If you're interested in purchasing all of them, check out this mega bundle. If you get this you can save $3. Also, as I only got these up in my store today, I've decided to extend my 20% off sale until Friday. If you manage to purchase anything by the end of today (Wednesday), use the promo code BTS19 to get a further 5% off your purchases. Click on the images below to view any of the packs in my TPT store.
It's that time of the year again - online sales time! Teachers Pay Teachers is having a site-wide sale on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd August. I'm having 20% off everything inmy TPT store. In addition to that, TPT is offering another 5% off when you use the promotional code BTS19 at the checkout (Just make sure to select "Apply a Promo Code"). It starts at 4:01am GMT (Irish time!) on Tuesday 6th August and finishes at 3:59am GMT in the early hours of Wednesday 7th August. If you're looking for Rugby World Cup resources, now is the time to get them at a discount!
I've created some new categories to help make browsing easier. The "Irish Classrooms" category is for anything that might be of interest to Irish teachers (and not stuff for international schools). Then you'll also find these new custom categories on the top left: Behaviour Management MYP PYP Stationery Happy shopping!
Who else is counting down the days to this year's Rugby World Cup? I, for one, can't wait for it and I'm really looking forward to celebrating it with my class. I've created this wall calendar. I'm going to print it on A3 card. Each child will have a team to follow and they will be responsible for writing their team's scores on this chart. If you'd like a copy, just pop over to my TPT store where it costs just $1.
If you're looking for any other Rugby World Cup resources in English or as Gaeilge (in Irish), have a look at my previous RWC post here!