As you can see, I went to town with the paper flowers by my desk. I decided that if that board is going to be in front of me for hours upon hours each week, I may as well make it pretty!
The next area is my reading area and editing bulletin board. As you can see, there's lots to be added (including books when we sort our orders together!). The R-E-A-D owls are from Kathleen Amari-Crookston, the giant pencil is from The Teacher Wife and the "capital letters detective" display is by me (and available in my TPT store!).

Here is my birthday and calendar display. Obviously I have plans for the big, blank space! The adorable owl-themed classroom birthdays display is from Halle Hird and the owl-themed calendar set is from from Apple Girl Amber.
Below is the bottom half of my Learner Profile display on the door of my classroom. I found the owls on swings wall sticker on eBay (very cheap!), used this action cycle freebie and created my own purple lettering. My plan is that the children will take photographs of themselves representing the attributes of the Learner Profile and I will add each of these on clouds above the tree.
You can also see my PYP attitudes posters. I couldn't get a photo of the entire line as the lighting didn't work but imagine the other 6 attributes on the right! If you like those, you can buy them in my TPT store for just $2.50.